Wednesday 24 June 2009

A comedy of errors

Just got back from playing with Failsafe at the Bar Academy - wow, I really didn't enjoy myself! Whatever god was looking down on us tonight thought it'd be funny for me to bugger up one of our songs and then cause a massive split down the front of my trousers! If the 4 guys at the front during our set read this - a sincere apology for telling you to shut up, you witnessed what I like to call "Martin throws a tantrum like a little girl". If you brave our gig at the Sunflower Lounge on 22nd Aug I'll let you all in for free (I've got a good memory for faces though any enterprising freeloaders who try their luck!!)

We're in the studio to record a couple of songs on 4th July with Gavin Monaghan, we hope you like them when we get around to streaming them.

Night night, don't let the bed bugs bite.

- A repentent Martin.

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